Survey Corner

Household Surveys Interview procedure for household surveys:

Online Completion via “Government Statistical Questionnaires” Service on “Macao One Account”
The “Government Statistical Questionnaires” service is available to respondents of household surveys of DSEC, such as the Employment Survey and the Household Income and Expenditure Survey.
Upon receiving a survey notification letter from DSEC, respondents may activate and bind the online questionnaire to their “Macao One Account” through the service according to instructions, and complete the survey via a mobile phone or computer.
Data can be saved so respondents may complete the questionnaire in multiple sittings during the specified period.
For enquiries, please call the following enquiry hotlines.

Information on Household Surveys

Statistical Project Periodicity Scope Enquiry Hotline
Population Census Every 10 years, next round in 2031 The entire population and building quarters in Macao. -
Population By-census Every 10 years, next round in 2026 About one-seventh of all the living quarters in Macao selected by random sampling. -
Household Income and Expenditure Survey Every 5 years,
Mar 2023 - Mar 2024
Households residing in the 8,320 housing units in Macao selected by random sampling. 8809 8809
Employment Survey Monthly About 4,200 living quarters in Macao selected every quarter by random sampling. 2856 1963

Industry Surveys Interview procedure for establishment/enterprise surveys of principal industries:

For assistance in completing the questionnaire, you can call the following hotlines to enquire or to make an appointment with our visiting enumerator.

Information on Establishment/Enterprise Surveys of Principal Industries

Statistical Project Periodicity Scope Enquiry Hotline
Restaurants and Similar Establishments Survey Annually Licensed restaurants and eating & drinking places operating in Macao, such as Chinese restaurants, local style cafes, congee & noodle shops, Western restaurants, Japanese & Korean restaurants, other Asian restaurants, fast-food restaurants, coffee shops and bars & lounges, as well as cooked-food stalls in municipal markets. 8399 5535
Hotels and Similar Establishments Survey Annually Licensed hotels and similar establishments operating in Macao. 8399 5551
Travel Agencies Survey Annually Travel agencies licensed by the Macao Government Tourism Office 8399 5512
Service Sector Survey Annually Establishments operating in property management, security services, cleaning services, advertising, and conference & exhibition organising services in Macao. 2856 1963
Wholesale and Retail Survey Annually Establishments, market stalls and fixed stalls on the street engaging in wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles, and personal and household goods. 8399 5534 / 526
Transport, Storage and Communications Survey Annually Establishments operating in the Transport, Storage & Communications Sector in Macao, such as establishments engaging in passenger and freight transport by land (e.g. taxi, truck and school bus), by sea and by air, as well as those engaging in storage services, and telecommunications and courier services. 8399 5512
Monthly Business Climate Survey for Restaurants & Similar Establishments and Retail Trade Monthly Establishments operating in restaurants & similar actives and retail trade. 8399 5522 / 502
Retail Sales Survey Quarterly Establishments operating in retail trade. 8399 5523
Construction Sector Survey Annually Establishments engaging in licensed construction projects and simple renovation. 8399 5823
Industrial Survey Annually Establishments engaging in the production of goods, rendering of industrial services or supply of electricity, water and gas. 8399 5820
Survey on Architectural and Engineering Consultancy Services Annually Establishments engaging in project engineering, architectural design, project management, testing and inspection services. 8399 5823
Survey on Prices of Construction Materials Quarterly Wholesalers and agents of construction materials. 8399 5803
Survey on Daily Wages of Construction Workers Quarterly Main contractors and sub-contractors of new or extension works. 8399 5803
Quarterly Survey on Manufacture of Food Products & Beverages Quarterly Establishments engaging in manufacture of food products or beverages. 8399 5820
Gaming Sector Survey Annually Enterprises operating in gaming activities in Macao. 8399 5550
Enterprise Survey Annually Foreign enterprises and enterprises with outward investments in the following sectors: Manufacturing; Electricity, Gas and Water Supply; Construction; Wholesale & Retail; Hotels & Restaurants; Transport, Storage & Communications; Financial Services; Real Estate Agencies & Real Estate Management; Gaming; and Cultural, Recreational & Other Services. 8399 5820 / 520 / 522 / 550
Health Statistics Annually Survey coverage consists of hospitals, and establishments and institutions that provide primary health care. 8399 5417 / 412
Energy Statistics Monthly Importers and distributors of fuels, enterprises engaging in the production of electricity. 2856 5819
Survey on Manpower Needs and Wages Quarterly Survey coverage in the first and third quarters: Manufacturing; Electricity, Gas & Water Supply; Hotels, Restaurants & Similar Activities; Financial Intermediation; Child-care; and Elderly care. Excluding own-account workers and insurance agents and brokers not directly employed by the insurance companies.
Survey coverage in the second and fourth quarters: Wholesale & Retail; Transport, Storage & Communications; Security Services; Public Sewage & Refuse Disposable Activities; and Gaming Sector. Excluding own-account workers, junket promoters and junket associates.
2875 1711 / 8399 5429
Establishments Survey Quarterly Ad hoc Registration of new establishments
Information update on existing establishments
2831 9226 / 8399 5930 / 8399 5933
Survey on Vocational Training Annually Public and private training institutions, including tertiary education institutions, that primarily engage in provision of vocational training courses. 8399 5412
Cultural Industries Statistics/Specific Cultural Industries Surveys Annually Establishments, organisations and groups that provide services in creative design, cultural exhibitions & performances, art collection and digital media, such as cinemas, radio stations, television stations, auction houses, agency services for artists and performances, motion picture & video production and related activities, creative & performing arts and cultural activities, information industry, photography services and performing arts training, as well as those engaging in performing arts activities and specialised design. 8399 5415 / 412

How do the regulations of statistical confidentiality safeguard our personal information?

As stipulated in the regulations, all employees of DSEC (including temporary workers) are required to sign a declaration of statistical confidentiality on appointment and must strictly comply with the mandatory requirements. This is a lifetime obligation which will not end upon termination of duties or services provided.

Under the regulations, all individual data collected are kept in strict confidence and must not be disclosed to any third parties.

Individual data collected are used solely for statistical analysis by DSEC and results will be published in aggregate form, which means, no information pertaining to individual persons or establishments can be identified directly or indirectly from the statistical publications.

After data processing, all questionnaires collected will be sealed inside boxes and sent to the incineration plant for disposal. The process of sealing, transporting and disposal of questionnaires is overseen by DSEC staff to ensure that information is protected against unauthorised access.
